Three Phase Post-Pre Paid Meter WHM300
The WHM300 is the first in a range of highly competitive smart meters, Developed and Patented to meet the changing requirements of worldwide utility markets, the WHM100 meter benefits from modern technology and up to date manufacturing techniques.
IEC 62053-21, 62053-11, SANS 1524

Features include:
- Highly accurate; supports IEC 60687, IEC 61036, IEC 61268, IEC 62053-21, IEC 62053-22, and IEC 62053-23
Compatible with 3-phase/3-wire, 3-phase/4-wire, and other 3-phase services
Less than 0.1% active energy error over a dynamic range of 1000 to 1 at 25°C
Supplies active/reactive/apparent energy, voltage rms, current rms, and sampled waveform data
Two pulse outputs, one for active power and the other selectable between reactive and apparent power with programmable frequency
Digital power, phase, and rms offset calibration
On-chip, user-programmable thresholds for line voltage SAG and overvoltage detections
An on-chip, digital integrator enables direct interface-to-current sensors with di/dt output
A PGA in the current channel allows direct interface to shunts and current transformers
An SPI®-compatible serial interface with IRQ
Proprietary ADCs and DSP provide high accuracy over large variations in environmental conditions and time
Reference 2.4 V (drift 30 ppm/°C typical) with external overdrive capability
300 Volt Meter
GSM / SMS (ICASA Approved)
Internal CT’s
512Kb FRAM
32MB Flash
ARM 7 Microprocessor
SPI compatible Serial interface
2 x 16 LCD display
RS232 Interface
Real Time Clock
Battery Backup 3.3v
Unique ID Number
No data loss if power fails
Load control capability
Post or Pre Paid meter in one
Quad Band GSM—GPRS
Anti Tampering Detection
Bypass Tampering Detection
Alarm Status on
Over Voltage
Under Voltage
Phase failure
Phase to Neutral Voltage per phase
Phase to Neutral Amps per phase
KVA per phase
KVA all phases
KWH all phases
Software features include:
- Electricity usage in kW/h or Currency
Alarm condition for minimum / maximum (Ampere) usage
Over and Under voltage alarms
Set meter to Post or Pre Paid
Peak usage
Remote devices—1 to 5 remote relay devices—optional
Communicate with multiple devices via GPRS concurrently
60 days data storage, Data time stamp, TOU, kW/h, Rate, Season
Firmware upgradeability via JTAG and GPRS
Parameters programmable via GPRS / SMS
Patents : 2005/08879, 2005/08880, 2005/08881, 2005/08882, SABS, IEC, ICASA Approved