SMS STS/GPRS solution drives up the cashflow, recovery efficiencies and securitisation of a property owners prepaid electricity network. The system, uniquely geared to serve economy markets without access to smartphones and slash the high under recoveries that meter-tampering risks, cuts the admin costs of recovering payments from many retail pay points, pinpoints under recoveries from meter tampering and bypassing – and it slashes the complexity of auditing and reconciling electricity supply and consumption through the prepaid meter value chain.
Our system links any prepaid meter in a property owners’ portfolio to a system that tracks the supply and consumption of electricity per meter (including shared areas) and consolidates/centralises every pre-payment made from any retail pay point to the property owners account. The system generates a unique encryption key per prepaid meter that gets used to apply the correct tariffs to every meter and to track and reconcile supply, consumption and payment data from every meter.
Implementation of an STS/GPRS solution commences with a discovery of your prepaid network and the completion of solution design. After giving notice to your existing STS/GPRS service provider and the provision of the key change token, we link your prepaid meters to our SGC supplier group code, reprogram your meters and launch the service. The SMS/GPRS service includes bulk check metering and infrastructure checks as well as regular site inspections as an additional measure to ensure that no meter tampering occurs.