Commercial Solutions

SMS is trusted by listed property firms to keep their promises to investors. Our end-to-end utility management service ensures that your portfolio gets dependable performance benchmarking data, reliable accrual figures, performs to budget and achieves cashflow and yield forecasts – consistently. Our reputation for delivering accurate billing data builds the trust that grows frictionless tenant and supplier relationships and slashes the queries and frustration that drive up costs and exhaust resources.

The SMS service combines tried-and-tested smart tech developed to practically resolve sharp-end utility management challenges with technical and business and accounting smarts to slash the complexity of managing commercial property utilities and simplify the management of a myriad of lease terms, tariff rates and payment cadences that go hand in hand with the utility metering and management territory.

Our extensive commercial property utility management experience comes from years of supplying a turnkey utility management solution to most of SA’s listed property firms and from taking accountability for every level of their utility supply, metering and recovery value chain. Our comprehensive service attends to budget queries, reconciles bulk supply and consumption accounts perfectly, pinpoints and resolves faulty metering installations, readings, tariff and billing errors – and takes care of bulk supply and municipality utility queries.